July 5th (Day 10): Heading Back Home, and General Norway Tidbits

Sandefjord, TORP airport

Slept great last night in a comfy bed, after a warm shower. Got up at 7:11am, showered, packed, and left for the airport at 8am. Had to return the car by 8:30 at the airport.

I picked the car up in town, which saved a large airport fee, and was able to drop it off at the airport without any fee. Used my remaining 257Nkr cash towards the car. It was just 12km to the airport from Mariann's parents house, so my final trip mileage was 2428km (1517 mi) over 7 days.

At 8:30am, I made some PB wraps at the airport, with the last of my trail mix rolled in. Of all the food I brought, I was down to just 1 tortilla, enough PB for 1 tortilla, 1 energy bar, and a small box of raisins. I thought I might have packed too much, but turns out perfect, with just enough for a snack in Amsterdam. My baggage is a lot lighter heading back, missing 16 cans of tuna, almost 2 jars of PB, can of peas, 15 energy bars, big bag of trail mix, 6 applesauce snack cups, container of homemade protein muffins, dried fruit, and tortillas. Looking forward to milk and cereal, and fajitas when I get back.

Weather is mostly cloudy with patches of blue. No delays.

Last minutes in Norway, but I'll be back. Karl and Mariann plan to move here in a couple years, so I'll have an easy excuse to come visit and have another adventure. I did so much research the past month, that I'm already prepared for another trip.

(PS. On my flight out of Sandefjord, I recognized the beach with the German bunkers that we visited on Sunday. Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic).

Daily Totals:
Distance Driven: 12km (8 mi)
Elevation hiked: 0ft

Some perhaps useful observations in Norway for any future travelers:

Had no problem speaking English here. Everyone I met on the trails spoke English, and in stores. Very handy, but makes me feel lazy for only knowing one language. Very gracious for the Norway school system's focus on English.

Grocery prices weren't the 4x I was fearing (at least for most items). It was more like 1.75-2x, but then there is an additional 12% tax.

Gas varied between $5.20-$5.70/gallon. Cheaper towards the southern cities.

Also, never saw a police car on the trip. This made me nervous that they might rely on radar cameras. Traffic tended to move up to 10km over the speed limit on roads, and up to 15km over on major highways (95kmh = ~60mph).

Radio was awful in Norway. Most of the time there was only 1 or 0 stations available in central Norway. And most songs were interrupted by 5 minutes of Norwegian talk. Wish I had some CDs or an audio book.

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